Residual Token, Inc - Roadmap 2022 Update

Residual Token, Inc.
7 min readApr 28, 2022


We recently published a slide deck touting our current products and in-flight development. Here is that slide deck with a short narrative explaining the content of each slide. With exciting progress to report on all fronts, let’s get right to it!!!

We’re using our capital raise deck to provide info on our progress. We cannot solicit investment from unaccredited investors. For more information on those rules and restrictions, drop an email to me at

A product’s price is basically the sum of its costs plus a little bit of profit. With labor, material and shipping costs all rapidly increasing, costs of capital are not far behind. Companies with large stores of cash, Bitcoin or Ethereum on their balance sheet can take control of the one cost element they can control.

RL+ allows companies to lower their costs of capital by removing the middleman, and let companies earn higher interest on their deposits, pay reasonable rates for collateralized borrowing and can take advantage of numerous trading and tax strategies.

And as a bonus, if you are looking to raise capital, then our ReserveFunding product lets you list your 506(c) raise for less. We’ve seen the successful offering, onboarding, documenting and settling of a DeFi<>CeFi loan in the past six months, where investors with diverse backgrounds, investing varying amounts and through a variety of currency types participated free from incident.

Atipana was so happy with the result, we will be teeing them up this fall for ReserveFunding for likely an $8 million to $10 million offering. We also have another fund looking for $50 million in capital, and we think we are the team to get them there!

This is how it works. ^^^

And this is why we want to go after the space so HAM. Digital assets, a fraction of a percent of the total amount of liquid assets in the market but are growing exponentially.

Did you know how we make money? A spread is charged on ReserveLending loans that is tied to the amount outstanding and the prevailing interest rate. For ReserveFunding, the funds pay a fee to list, and we earn a transaction fee from investors.

For $eRSDL holders, it’s a portion of that revenue which goes into our open market purchases related to our LaaS product.

If you are reading this article, you likely believe in digital assets already; however, that is just the tip of the iceberg. All DeFI accounts for about $75 billion in TVL (total value locked) as of today and it’s largely non-domestic retail investors comprising those amounts. The sky is the limit.

This is where we brag about you (and us). These numbers are subject to change, but we hope that means they will only increase! And out of these very large numbers, we boast a ‘golden community’ of about 200 folks that participate in actively promoting the project. 0xPotato and Teasel are just two outstanding members of the community who’ve voluntarily stepped into roles supporting unFederalReserve. Kudos.

These were not easy to come by. In some cases, these are vendors that require the passing of strict due diligence procedures, and in others, we spent months negotiating the terms and conditions of our relationship given our unique use case.

There are hard facts that come with being a start-up. And, like any early-stage fintech, we have our challenges. Our retail products have great adoption, but the margins they generate do not put bread on the table. The institutional customers that we are trying to court and serve are really the key to our success. We are optimistic that these commercial partnerships we are forming will endear ourselves to commercial, U.S.-based crypto hodlers, but that is just the hypothesis… and an uncertain, forward-looking statement.


Enjoy the slides above and hopefully it helps you explain to your friends what it is we do and why we are doing it! Increased liquidity for underserved U.S. companies is real, and we can fix it.

Here’s how we’ve done against our Roadmap 2022 so far:

ReserveLending+ —

  • Create permissioned core unContracts (the “Core”) — COMPLETE
  • Create a username/password 2FA interface — COMPLETE
  • Build out ReserveLending+ UI experience — COMPLETE
  • Partner with a broker-dealer to custody the Core — OPEN but darn close
  • Market to KYC’d entities through strategic partnerships with KYC partner platforms. — OPEN and a trickier wicket than once envisioned. Everyone wants their pound of flesh and have it mispriced, lol. We will make something work.

ReserveLending —

  • Calibration of stablecoin interest rate models to align with metrics — OPEN, our models are good, but utilization is too high. We are going to run an experiment with borrows to see if we can let market forces fix this ratio.
  • Collateral factor review and, for vote, possible adjustments — OPEN, collateral factor adjustments down could force liquidations, so we need to be judicious here. We are in talks with an economist to look at the RL data to see if we can tamp down CFs in a controlled manner.
  • Maintenance, debugging and further documentation — Always OPEN
  • Continued evangelism of market leading APYs — Same.


  • Gathering marketing data on selected fund types — OPEN
  • Creating fund acquisition pipeline from RF entrants — OPEN and ongoing… we have three that we are in various stages of active negotiation with and about three more teasing interest.
  • Maintenance, debugging and further documentation —Ongoing
  • Expand Atipana Opportunity Fund to first TradFi vault — OPEN, end of summer.
  • Design Percent® Aggregator interface per MOU (Memo Of Understanding) allowing users to invest in all Percent® deals —OPEN, they’ve said that digital assets are no longer on their roadmap, but I find that hard to believe. We have a good relationship with those guys and will keep working on the relationship.

RB2B requires RL+ to get successfully launched before noticeable progress occurs there. Please recall RB2B is a collateral-less version of RL+ that includes a hard underwrite of the entities in the harbor, limits on available credit, new loan terms programmed into smart contracts and recourse enforcement policies.

Stay connected with unFederalReserve ⚓


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Residual Token, Inc.

We're a technology company specializing in the development and marketing of DeFi software for the global blockchain ecosystem.