unFederalReserve and Percent to Join Forces

By @CryptoMandiac

Residual Token, Inc.
2 min readSep 13, 2021

🤝Make new friends, but keep the old — one is silver and the other’s gold.
unFederalReserve and Percent are officially in the Friend Zone! 🔄 🤝

Started around the same time as unFederalReserve three years ago, Percent was built with the mindset that every person deserves to create a financial future for themselves that they can control. Minority-owned and operated, Percent has issued more than $350M volume of notes and was founded “on the belief that investing in alternative investments should be more transparent, more accessible, and more liquid than ever before.” With this partnership, those unbankable will now be able to reap the benefits of bleeding-edge technology and decades of Wall Street experience at their fingertips.

ReserveFunding is unFederalReserve’s first licensee, with Percent as their inaugural client. Together, our vault products will provide crypto-wealthy people access to an innovative platform that facilitates alternative investments. This is exciting because by combining forces we will be able to lower the keystone and bridge the gap between crypto investing and traditional finance. Because really…who doesn’t want both silver AND gold?

unFed and Percent have reached a MoU with the basic understanding that:

  • unFed will utilize Percent’s KYC processes and subscription document system
  • Percent will support unFed’s platform (provided the platform’s high yield, short term product options meet Percent’s investment criteria). This allows for a cyclical workflow to exist. 🔄

We know that people will want and expect yields. Our products will be competitive amongst the DeFi space, but without the same risks. By creating a vault, capital can be channeled into CeFi and then be invested with our alternative asset platform and participate in strategic higher-yielding debt. 🔐

“Now that we have the first off-ramp into TradFi designed, we have a roadmap for the scores of other TradFis to employ our rails. They have asked for our help, and we are best positioned to deliver.”

- Howard Krieger
Founder & CEO of unFederalReserve

The end goal is to allow as many entities to manage their own cash and maximize the creation of projects within the crypto ecosystem. With Percent’s willingness to consider reinvestment into our platform, we are creating the grandest, richest friendship circle possible.

Gather ‘round because there’s always room for more in the friendship circle — so join in on the force! ✊🏽✊🏻✊✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

🧩 🌉 🏅🥈 🔄 🌉



Residual Token, Inc.

We're a technology company specializing in the development and marketing of DeFi software for the global blockchain ecosystem.